Work Samples - Grade C
The work samples for this grade, together, assist teachers to gain a common understanding of the standard of work typically produced by students whose performance, on balance, matches the description for Grade C.
Activity: Making Number Patterns (View Activity…)
Students make a variety of number patterns using the four operations.
Activity: Survey (View Activity…)
Students conduct a survey and organise and interpret the results.
Activity: Helping hand (View Activity…)
Students respond to a scenario about time using pictures and or/words in their response.
Activity: Flag design (View Activity…)
Students design a flag, modelling and representing equivalent fractions.
Work Samples: Kim, Bailey, Terry, Robyn
Activity: Is it fair? (View Activity…)
Students predict possible outcomes to coloured counters being revealed in an experimental context.
Activity: Recording my strategies (View Activity…)
Students solve addition and subtraction problems and record their strategies.
Work Samples: Courtney
Activity: What could the question be? (View Activity…)
Students are presented with the scenario: ‘The answer is 12. What could the question be?’ They are asked to record a variety of questions, including number sentences and word problems.