Reading Aloud
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Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
Students are provided with an unfamiliar written text. They predict what it will be about from the title and/or illustrations, then read the text aloud.
Suggested materials
Written text
Prior learning
Students have read simple literary and non-literary texts. They have predicted what texts will be about based on the title and illustrations. Students have listened to the teacher modelling expressive reading.
Context and Text (TES1.3)
Recognises that there are different kinds of spoken texts and shows emerging awareness of school purposes and expectations for using spoken language.
Reading and Viewing Texts (RES1.5)
Demonstrates developing reading skills to read short, predictable written texts on familiar topics.
Skills and Strategies (RES1.6 )
Demonstrates developing reading skills and strategies when reading books, dealing with print and comprehending texts.
Criteria for assessing learning
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- convey the meaning of a written text through reading aloud
- read an unfamiliar written text aloud using appropriate emphasis
- use strategies to pronounce unfamiliar words or phrases.