Work Samples - Grade C
The work samples for this grade, together, assist teachers to gain a common understanding of the standard of work typically produced by students whose performance, on balance, matches the description for Grade C.
Activity: Classroom map (View Activity…)
Students draw a simple map of the classroom on grid paper. They describe the location of items in the classroom using coordinates.
Work Samples: Mel, Stacey, Chandra, Jody
Activity: Bike track (View Activity…)
Students design and sketch a bike track to be constructed within the school grounds or local park. They use grid paper or draw a grid over their map, and use positional language to describe their track in relation to other structures or pathways.
Activity: Making Number Patterns (View Activity…)
Students make a variety of number patterns using the four operations.
Work Samples: Flynn, Jules, Shane
Activity: What could the question be? (View Activity…)
Students are presented with the scenario: ‘The answer is 12. What could the question be?’ They are asked to record a variety of questions, including number sentences and word problems.
Work Samples: Ariel