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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 9-10
  2. Dance
  3. Activities
  4. Warm-up
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Description of activity

Students collaboratively plan a cohesive developmental warm-up. Each student devises a short warm-up sequence of movements and nominates where in the progression of the class warm-up their sequence would occur. Each student then leads the class in presenting the warm-up sequence. Students demonstrate and identify appropriate safe dance practice. In a teacher-guided self-reflection, students discuss the purpose of the warm-up sequence and how it fits in the progression of a warm-up, using appropriate dance terminology. (1-2 class sessions)


The unit focuses on dance skills with particular attention to safe dance practice. Students have been led through a variety of warm-up and cool-down procedures in previous units, and in this unit have the opportunity to focus on warm-up principles. They learn about the purpose and functions of a warm-up and discuss the progression of appropriate warm-up sequences. They have also discussed the skeletal system and specific muscles of the body as they relate to a warm-up and specific activities to be undertaken in the lesson. This assessment for learning activity provides students with the opportunity to contribute to a class warm-up with the purpose of physically preparing students as they refine their dance compositions.

Areas for Assessment


A student:

5.1.1 demonstrates an understanding of safe dance practice and appropriate dance technique with increasing skill and complexity in the performance of combinations, sequences and dances.

Criteria for assessing learning

(These criteria would normally be communicated to students with the activity.)

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • demonstrate their understanding of safe dance practice and appropriate dance technique when:
    • devising an appropriate warm-up sequence of movements
    • demonstrating and identifying relevant safe dance practice when leading the class
    • discussing the purpose of the warm-up sequence of movements, using appropriate dance terminology.
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