Work Samples - Grade D
The work samples for this grade, together, assist teachers to gain a common understanding of the standard of work typically produced by students whose performance, on balance, matches the description for Grade D.
Activity: Rectangular prisms (View Activity…)
Students construct rectangular prisms using 24 interlocking cubes, and record their findings.
Work Samples: Kim
Activity: A day in my life (View Activity…)
Students list activities they do in a week and record these in analog, digital and 24-hour time. They then create a timeline of events.
Activity: What's the problem? (View Activity…)
Students respond to the scenario and record their responses to the problem.
Work Samples: Lee, Shannon, Casey
Activity: Changing rectangles (View Activity…)
Students respond to a given scenario about the perimeter and area of a rectangle with changing dimensions, justifying their answers.
Work Samples: Indra, Courtney, Lou
Activity: Interpret the graph (View Activity…)
Students are given the results of a school survey and asked to interpret the information.
Work Samples: Casey, Ariel, Riley, Bailey