Ordering fractions and decimals
Grade | Work Samples |
End of Stage 2 (end of Year 4) | |
Grade A | Lee Lindsay |
Grade B | Jamie Chris |
Grade D | Riley Kerry |
Grade E | Indra |
Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
Description of activity
Students order fractions, decimals and percentages on a number line and record their reasoning.
- Students are presented with a set of fractions, decimals and percentages: , 0.05, , 0.45, 20%, 90%, 65%, , 0.8.
- They order and place the numbers on an empty number line and record their reasoning for the order.
- Students select two of the numbers and list numbers between the two.
The suggested time allocation for this activity is 30 minutes.
Suggested materials
Blank paper, pencils/pens
Prior learning
Students have had experience ordering numbers less than one. They have had experience with fractions and decimals to two places and have modelled, compared and represented the relationship between tenths and hundredths.
Board of Studies NSW, Mathematics K–6 Syllabus, pp 62, 63
Board of Studies NSW, Mathematics K–6 Sample Units of Work, p 101
Fractions and Decimals (NS2.4)
Models, compares and represents commonly used fractions and decimals, adds and subtracts decimals to two decimal places, and interprets everyday percentages
Applying Strategies (WMS2.2)
Selects and uses appropriate mental or written strategies, or technology, to solve problems
Communicating (WMS2.3)
Uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas
Reasoning (WMS2.4)
Checks the accuracy of a statement and explains the reasoning used
Criteria for assessing learning
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- order given fractions, decimals and percentages on a number line
- explain their reasoning in a given mathematical situation