Worksheet 2
Student self-reflection prompt sheet
The following prompt sheet may be of assistance to students in reflecting on the learning that took place during the Activity. In your self-reflection you could consider some of the following:
- How did the dictionary definitions for 'morals' and 'ethics' help you with your understanding?
- In what ways did discussing the ideas with family members assist you in putting your ideas into words?
- How did the group discussion on the meanings of these terms help in finally putting the definitions into words?
- In what ways did the data privacy policies of a range of companies overlap with your ideas on morals and ethics?
- Why would a doctor's surgery need a privacy policy?
- In considering the legal and ethical issues involved in setting up a database for a doctor's surgery, what issues would you consider most important, and why?
- What practices would need to be considered in coming up with this privacy policy?
- What might the implications be if confidential patient data was made available (accidentally or deliberately) to the public?
- How did you feel about working with others in a group to come up with your results for your presentation?