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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 9-10
  2. French
  3. Activities
  4. Speaking - Clothing Shop Conversation
  5. Additional Information
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Additional Information

View the Recording Templates for this Activity (Microsoft Word, 51 KB)

Guidelines for marking

The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to a student's work. Other approaches may be used that better suit the reporting process of the school. Categories, marks, grades, visual representations or individual comments/notations may all be useful.


A student in this range:



  • experiments with a range of linguistic patterns and structures to convey information and express their own ideas
  • applies grammatical rules and conventions to the development of clear and cohesive text
  • identifies and incorporates relevant aspects of the culture of French-speaking communities in the development of text



  • experiments with linguistic patterns and structures to convey information and express own ideas
  • applies grammatical rules and conventions to the development of cohesive text
  • identifies and incorporates aspects of the culture of French-speaking communities in the development of text



  • uses modelled linguistic patterns and structures to convey information
  • applies grammatical rules and conventions to the development of text, relying on teacher support and modelled linguistic structures
  • incorporates some aspects of the culture of French-speaking communities in the development of text.


Students will receive written feedback from their peers and the teacher, via a checklist with specific criteria. Comments will inform students about their ability to:

  • use intonation and expression appropriate to context
  • present a dialogue that follows a logical sequence of ideas
  • use the polite register effectively
  • choose appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure.

Future directions

If evidence indicates that students have experienced difficulty with the Activity, teachers may need to adjust learning experiences through additional modelling of structures and scaffolding to support the development of text for the role-play Activity. Students whose performance satisfies the assessment criteria progress to the next Activity, where they read and respond to an email regarding ideas for a birthday gift.

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