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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 7-8
  2. Music
  3. Activities
  4. Listening - Love is in the Air
  5. Additional Information
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Additional Information

Guidelines for marking

The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to a student’s work. Other approaches may be used that better suit the reporting process of the school. Categories, marks, grades, visual representations or individual comments/notations may be useful.


A student in this range:

  • clearly describes the use of musical concepts in the piece listened to
  • identifies and utilises various signs and symbols to show clearly the variations in the use of musical concepts
  • describes in detail the use of texture in the form of a graphic representation.
  • clearly describes the use of musical concepts in the piece listened to
  • utilises some signs and symbols to show the variations in the use of musical concepts
  • has included a description of the use of texture in the form of a graphic representation.
  • describes the use of musical concepts in the piece listened to
  • utilises a limited amount of signs and symbols to show variations
  • includes a basic description of the use of texture without using graphic representations.


The teacher will provide oral clarification and reinforcement throughout the listening process. Students will receive oral feedback as their final responses are written. Comments will inform them about how to add detail to their responses through further exploration of the musical concepts.

Students will also receive written and oral feedback on completion of the Activity. Comments will inform students about use of graphic symbols representative of texture. Self-evaluation will also be a key feature of feedback as students listen and observe how they and other students have described the musical concepts within the task.

Future directions

As a result of this Activity students will have developed their written responses to music. They will have built on their awareness of the concepts of music. They will apply this to the next level of learning where they will construct a response using more complex graphic/traditional notation. For the students who have not been able to demonstrate the outcomes at this level, the teacher will be prompted to further explain the task and modify the task to suit the students’ capabilities, while still building on their skills for the next level of achievement.

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