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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 7-8
  2. History (Mandatory)
  3. Activities
  4. Richard and Saladin
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Richard and Saladin

Grade Work Samples
End of Stage 4 (end of Year 8)
Grade A Rania  
New Work Samples

Description of activity

Students compare the roles of Richard and Saladin in the Crusades and make a judgement about who had the greater impact.

  • Students construct from their own research two simple timelines, one for Richard and one for Saladin, noting the major events of their involvement in the Crusades.
  • They compare details from their research and timelines using the scaffold provided.
  • Students then write an exposition on who they believed had the greater impact on the Crusades – Richard or Saladin.

Note to teachers
Some relevant copyright-free primary source material is available online in the Medieval Source Book ( These detailed accounts may suit more able readers, but will need modifying for less able readers (eg simplify language, print in a format with shorter lines, provide glossary). Ideally, they should be read aloud to students.


Students have studied Medieval Europe and the Crusades. They have investigated the reasons for the Crusades and the events of the major campaigns, up to and including the Treaty of Jaffa which ended the Third Crusade.


A student:
4.4 identifies major periods of historical time and sequences people and events within specific periods of time
4.8 locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources including ICT to conduct basic historical research
4.9 uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts
4.10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past.

Criteria for assessing learning

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • select and sequence relevant events for the timeline
  • select relevant information from their research to complete the comparative table
  • make a judgement about who they believe had the greater impact on the Crusades – Richard or Saladin
  • write an exposition to reflect their judgement about who they believe had the greater impact on the Crusades – Richard or Saladin.
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