Recount letter
Grade | Work Samples |
End of Stage 4 (end of Year 8) | |
Grade A | Marley |
Grade C | Mackenzie |
Grade D | Eden |
Description of Activity
Students write a letter to a friend in which they recount what they have learnt about the theme they have been studying in class. They recount details about the theme, the texts they have studied and the activities they have completed. Students express an opinion about which text they think was best suited to the theme they studied and why.
Students have been undertaking a thematic study on fantasy or personal growth. During this unit of work they have studied a range of texts including a play script and a film. Students have produced several pieces of writing and have an understanding of the purpose, language features and structures of a variety of texts, including recounts. They are familiar with the structure and language features of formal and informal letters.
Areas for Assessment
A student:
4 uses and describes language forms and features, and structures of texts appropriate to different purposes, audiences and contexts
7 thinks critically and interpretively about information, ideas and arguments to respond to and compose texts
8 makes connections between and among texts
9 demonstrates understanding that texts express views of their broadening world and their relationships within it
Criteria for assessing learning
(These criteria would normally be communicated to students with the activity.)
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- use appropriate structure and language features for a recount in personal letter format
- demonstrate an understanding of the theme and texts set for study
- understand the relationship between audience, purpose, language choices and form
- express an opinion with evidence to support their views.