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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Stage 2
  2. English
  3. Activities
  4. Information report on a planet
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Information report on a planet

Foundation Statement strands

The following strands are covered in this activity:


Description of activity

Students research a planet in our solar system. They select relevant facts and write an information report. Students publish their report using neat handwriting or desktop publishing skills.

Suggested materials

Options: computer

Prior learning

The students have participated in activities looking at the structure and language features of information reports. They have participated in the joint construction of information reports in HSIE and Science and Technology units of work.


Producing Texts (WS2.9)
Drafts, revises, proofreads and publishes well-structured texts that are more demanding in terms of topic, audience and written language features.
Grammar and Punctuation (WS2.10)
Produces texts clearly, effectively and accurately, using the sentence structure, grammatical features and punctuation conventions of the text type.
Spelling (WS2.11)
Uses knowledge of letter-sound correspondences, common letter patterns and a range of strategies to spell familiar and unfamiliar words.
Handwriting and Computer Technology (WS2.12)
Uses joined letters when writing in NSW Foundation Style and demonstrates basic desktop publishing skills on the computer.

Criteria for assessing learning

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • produce a well-structured information report
  • use sentence structure, grammatical features and punctuation conventions appropriate for an information report
  • spell familiar and unfamiliar words
  • use joined letters when writing in NSW Foundation Style
  • demonstrate basic desktop publishing skills using a computer
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