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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Stage 3
  2. Mathematics
  3. Activities
  4. A day in my life
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A day in my life

Grade Work Samples
End of Stage 3 (end of Year 6)
Grade A Lee  
Grade B Jamie   Morgan   Riley  
Grade C Bailey   Lindsay  
Grade D Terry   Cameron  
Grade E Kerry  

Foundation Statement strands

The following strands are covered in this activity:

Working Mathematically, Measurement and Data

Description of activity

Students list activities they do in a week and record these in analog, digital and 24-hour time. They then create a timeline of events.

  1. Students list in order at least eight things they do on a particular day of the week, indicating the starting time for each activity.
  2. They record these times on the set of clock faces and digital displays.
  3. Students convert the times to 24-hour time.
  4. They use the times to draw a timeline on a blank strip of paper to represent the day. Students are asked to use scale on their timeline.

Adapted from Mathematics Work Samples, Curriculum Corporation, p 97

The suggested time allocation for this activity is 50 minutes.

Suggested materials

Blank paper, rulers, pens, Clock Worksheet

Prior learning

Students have had practice recording both analog and digital time. They have converted analog and digital time into 24-hour time. Students have had experience in reading, interpreting and constructing timelines.

Board of Studies NSW, Mathematics K–6 Syllabus, p 115
Board of Studies NSW, Mathematics K–6 Sample Units of Work, p 141


Time (MS3.5)
Uses twenty-four hour time and am and pm notation in real-life situations and constructs timelines
Applying Strategies (WMS3.2)
Selects and applies appropriate problem-solving strategies, including technological applications, in undertaking investigations
Communicating (WMS3.3)
Describes and represents a mathematical situation in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions

Criteria for assessing learning

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • record and convert between time in analog, digital and 24-hour time format
  • draw a timeline using a suitable scale
  • use problem-solving strategies and communicate mathematical ideas


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