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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 7-8
  2. History (Mandatory)
  3. Activities
  4. Leaders of the Crusades: Saladin/Richard I (the Lionheart)
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Leaders of the Crusades: Saladin/Richard I (the Lionheart)

Description of activity

Students conduct a research activity to investigate the impact of EITHER Saladin OR Richard I on the Crusades.

  1. Students select two significant events from the timeline provided of Saladin’s or Richard’s involvement in the Crusades.
  2. They research these events to find out about Richard I or Saladin’s activities in the Crusades. (This research activity could include a study of the two primary sources suggested).
  3. Students use the table provided to make notes about aspects of the leader’s activities.
  4. They then use this information to write a 250-300 word explanation of the impact of their chosen leader on the Crusades.

Note to teachers
The recommended primary sources are vivid eyewitness accounts which should be read aloud to students for maximum understanding and impact. Students should also be provided with a printed copy. However, for less able readers, the sources will require some modification (eg simplify language, print in a format with shorter lines, provide glossary).
The sources can be accessed at: - Fall of Jerusalem 1099 - Capture of Jerusalem by Saladin 1187


Students have studied Medieval Europe, including the nature of medieval warfare, and the Crusades. They have investigated the reasons for the Crusades and the events of the major campaigns, including the capture of Jerusalem in the First and Second Crusades.


A student:
4.8 locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT to conduct basic historical research
4.9 uses historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts
4.10 selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past.

Criteria for assessing learning

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • select events from the timeline for the research activity
  • select relevant information from their research to complete the table provided
  • write an explanation using historical information
  • demonstrate an understanding of Saladin’s or Richard’s impact on the Crusades.
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