Kitchen Safety
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Description of activity
Students assess, using the proforma provided, the safety aspects of three kitchens: the school kitchen, their home kitchen and a commercial kitchen. They then use this information to create a clearly labelled plan of a safe kitchen.
Students have an understanding of safe and hygienic work practices and Occupational Health and Safety procedures and requirements for kitchens.
Areas for Assessment
A student:
5.1.2 identifies, assesses and manages the risk of injury and OHS issues associated with the handling of food
5.4.1 collects, evaluates and applies information from a variety of sources
5.4.2 communicates ideas and information using a range of media and appropriate terminology
Criteria for assessing learning
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- assess safety aspects of a commercial, home and school kitchen
- demonstrate appropriate selection of safe techniques and equipment in food preparation
- demonstrate an awareness of OHS requirements
- Create a clearly labelled plan of a safe and hygienic kitchen.