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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Stage 1
  2. Mathematics
  3. Activities
  4. Spatial Pattern
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Spatial Pattern

Grade Work Samples
End of Stage 1 (end of Year 2)
Grade C Bobby   Jamie   Indra   Lesley   Frances  
Grade D Lou   Robyn   Sam  
Grade E Ricky  

Foundation Statement strands

The following strands are covered in this activity:

Working Mathematically, Space and Geometry

Description of activity

  1. Students create a design using two, three or four pattern blocks.
  2. They create a two-dimensional representation of the design by tracing around it on the worksheet, placing one edge of their design on the line of symmetry provided.
  3. Students flip their design into the flip design section of the worksheet and trace around it.
  4. They describe in writing the shapes they used and what they did to flip the design.

Suggested materials

Pattern blocks, paper, pencils, worksheet.

Prior learning

Students have explored and identified symmetry. They have made symmetrical patterns by folding, drawing, and completing the other half of pictures. They have made two-dimensional representations by tracing around one face of a three-dimensional object. They have also manipulated shapes and patterns by flipping them.


Two-dimensional Space (SGS1.2)
Manipulates, sorts, represents, describes and explores various two-dimensional shapes.
Communicating (WMS1.3)
Describes mathematical situations and methods using everyday and some mathematical language, actions, materials, diagrams and symbols.

Criteria for assessing learning

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • create a design using a small number of pattern blocks
  • draw a two-dimensional representation of their design
  • flip a two-dimensional representation and draw and describe what they did to flip the design.
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