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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 9-10
  2. Drama
  3. Activities
  4. Research Collage
  5. Additional Information
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Additional Information

View the Recording Templates for this Activity (Microsoft Word, 44 KB)

Guidelines for marking

The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to a student's work. Other approaches may be used that better suit the reporting process of the school. Categories, marks, grades, visual representations or individual comments/notations may all be useful.


A student in this range:



  • makes judicious choices about collecting and recording data from a variety of sources and synthesises the findings effectively using appropriate drama terminology
  • understands the contemporary context of the theme and conveys the research creatively, systematically and succinctly in a collage
  • shows specifically how the research might be used throughout the making, performing and appreciating process, indicating an awareness of the relationship between performer and audience


  • makes sound choices about collecting and recording data from a number of sources and presents the findings using appropriate drama terminology
  • understands the contemporary nature of the theme and conveys the research succinctly in a collage
  • shows how the research might be used at times in the making, performing and appreciating process, indicating the relationship between performer and audience



  • makes choices about collecting and recording data from a number of sources with teacher support and presents the findings using some basic drama terminology with teacher support
  • understands some aspects of the theme and ways to convey the research in a collage with teacher support
  • shows how some research might be used in the process with teacher support, recognising aspects of the relationship between performer and audience.


Students will be given written teacher feedback. Comments will inform them about such things as their ability to:

  • research and record appropriate data from different sources such as internet, libraries, community resources and media
  • synthesise, categorise and communicate their research including written and visual features in a creative, systematic format using appropriate drama terminology
  • understand the contemporary context of a theme such as bullying and how it can be used to playbuild with a desired dramatic intention for an audience
  • indicate how research might be used at all stages of the playbuilding process – making, performing and appreciating, with an awareness of the relationship between performer and audience.


Students will complete a self-assessment recording grid provided by the teacher and reflect on their progress in their workbook.

Future directions

Students use the information in the collage to suggest, create and develop narrative structures, performance ideas and images for their group-devised playbuilding.

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