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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 9-10
  2. Chinese
  3. Activities
  4. Role play - Shopping
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Role play - Shopping

Grade Work Samples
End of Stage 5 (end of Year 10)
Grade A Casey   Chris  
Grade B Kim  
Grade C Ashley  

Description of activity

Students will write the script of a dialogue between a customer and a shop assistant.


Students have been learning how to ask where something can be purchased and how to ask for items in a shop. They write the script of a dialogue which can then be performed for the class.


5.UL.3 uses Chinese by incorporating diverse structures and features to express own ideas

5.UL.4 experiments with linguistic patterns and structures in Chinese to convey information and to express own ideas

5.MLC.1 demonstrates understanding of the nature of languages as systems by describing and comparing linguistic features across languages

5.MLC.2 uses linguistic resources to support the study and production of texts in Chinese

5.MBC.1 explores the interdependence of language and culture in a range of texts and contexts

Criteria for assessing learning

(These criteria would normally be communicated to students with the activity.)

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • manipulate language authentically and creatively to meet the requirements of the task
  • create an appropriate, logically sequenced dialogue between the shop assistant and the customer
  • use correct grammar and sentence structure
  • use appropriate vocabulary
  • use culturally appropriate expressions, such as greetings.
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