Investigating and researching materials
Grade | Work Samples |
End of Stage 4 (end of Year 8) | |
Grade A | Lesley |
Grade C | Sam |
Description of activity
Students research a tree grown in NSW and investigate the characteristics and properties of the timber, logging and its environmental impact and the processing of timber products. They use a report format to document the life story of the tree from cradle to grave. The suggested duration of this assessment for learning activity is 4 lessons (160 minutes).
Unit: Toy Maker
Area of Study: Products
Technologies: Timber (unit may also apply to other technologies such as Textiles, Metals etc...)
Students have established and applied a design process in earlier design projects that responds to an identified need. In this unit, students have viewed a range of manufactured toys and discussed the factors affecting their design. They have identified the materials and techniques used in the manufactured toys. The purpose of this activity is for students to investigate the factors affecting design, focusing on timber. They explore the characteristics and properties of timber and timber products, and examine the environmental and sustainability consequences of its use. Students investigate and research using the internet.
Areas for Assessment
A student:
4.1.2 describes factors influencing design in the areas of study of Built Environments, Products and Information and Communications
4.2.2 selects, analyses, presents and applies research and experimentation from a variety of sources
4.3.1 applies a broad range of contemporary and appropriate tools, materials and techniques with competence in the development of design projects
4.6.2 identifies and explains ethical, social, environmental and sustainability considerations related to design projects.
Criteria for assessing learning
(These criteria would normally be communicated to students with the activity.)
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- locate resources and information
- select and record information and sources
- organise information into a report format demonstrating an understanding of tree types and characteristics, logging and its environmental impact and the processes involved in manufacturing and disposing of timber products
- communicate and present findings using the report text type.