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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Stage 2
  2. Human Society and Its Environment
  3. Activities
  4. What if there were no rules in the community?
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What if there were no rules in the community?

Grade Work Samples
End of Stage 2 (end of Year 4)
Grade B Ricky  
Grade C Kim   Lesley  
Grade D Frances  

Foundation Statement strands

The following strands are covered in this activity:

Environments, Social Systems and Structures

Description of activity

Students examine roles, responsibilities, rights and the decision-making process by considering the statement, ‘What if there were no rules in the community?’

  1. Students work in groups of three to complete the ‘What if…’ activity outlined in the worksheet.
  2. They discuss and then list 10 possible consequences for the question ‘What if there were no rules in the community?
  3. Using this list as a guide, students work individually to create a list of the five most important community rules. They are encouraged to give reasons why the rules chosen are the most important.

This activity takes place at the start of a unit of work.

Suggested materials

Worksheet photocopied on paper

Prior learning

The students have discussed ‘rules’ and ‘laws’ and why we need them.

Board of Studies NSW, HSIE K–6 Units of Work, p 77


Roles, Rights and Responsibilities (SSS2.8)
Investigates rights, responsibilities and decision-making processes in the school and community and demonstrates how participation can contribute to the quality of their school and community life.
Patterns of Place and Location (ENS2.5)
Describes places in the local area and other parts of Australia and explains their significance.
Resource Systems (SSS2.7)
Describes how and why people and technologies interact to meet needs and explains the effects of these interactions on people and the environment.

Criteria for assessing learning

Students will be assessed on their ability to:

  • consider the consequences of a community without rules in terms of the importance of roles, rights and responsibilities
  • make suggestions regarding possible decision-making processes.
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