Benefits of Not Smoking Poster
Grade | Work Samples |
End of Stage 3 (end of Year 6) | |
Grade A | Darcy |
Grade B | Chris |
Grade C | Jordan Terry |
Grade D | Alex Casey Kim Lindsay |
Grade E | Riley Bailey |
Description of activity
Students create a poster that outlines the effects of smoking on the body. They list the benefits of being a non-smoker.
Suggested materials
Worksheet ‘Benefits of not Smoking’
Prior learning
Students have investigated the short and long-term effects of cigarette smoking on the body. They understand that the effects of smoking are not just physical and that there are social, environmental and economic costs associated with smoking. Students have discussed the specific diseases linked to cigarette smoking such as heart disease and cancer.
Personal Health Choices (PHS3.12)
Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices.
Criteria for assessing learning
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- identify the short-term and long-term effects of smoking on the body
- identify a range of benefits of being a non-smoker