Other Work Samples for:
Lindsay has demonstrated an adequate level of competence in identifying, interpreting and explaining issues. Information has been located and findings presented using suitable subheadings, but Lindsay’s desktop publishing skills require further development. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at grade C standard at the end of Stage 3.
Grade C
The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
- Change and Continuity
Students explore the principles of Australian democracy and explain its development over time. They investigate significant events in Australia's past and explain the implications for the development of Australian identity, heritage and cultural diversity. They locate information from a variety of primary and secondary sources, presenting their findings in a range of ways. - Cultures
Students explain how shared culture, heritage and language, including those of Aboriginal peoples, contribute to Australian and community identity. They explore cultural diversity by examining how cultures change through interactions with other cultures and the environment.