Other Work Samples for:
Grade E
The student has an elementary knowledge and understanding in few areas of the content and has achieved very limited competence in some of the processes and skills.Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
- Working Mathematically
Students ask questions and use objects, diagrams and technology to explore mathematical problems. They link mathematical ideas and use everyday language, some mathematical language and diagrams to explain how answers were obtained. - Number
Students count, order, read and write numbers up to 999 and use a range of mental strategies, informal recording methods and materials to add, subtract, multiply and divide. They model and describe objects and collections divided into halves and quarters. Students sort, order and count money and recognise and describe the element of chance in familiar activities. - Patterns and Algebra
Students describe, create and continue a variety of number patterns and relate addition and subtraction facts to at least 20.