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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Stage 1
  2. English
  3. Foundation Statement
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English – Stage 1 Foundation Statement

Talking and Listening
Students communicate with a wide range of people on familiar and introduced topics to achieve a variety of purposes.They interact effectively, adopting new speaking skills, in order to give confident oral presentations. They listen to instructions and share ideas with peers to complete tasks. Students recognise that spoken language has a range of purposes and audiences and use this knowledge when attempting to communicate effectively with others. They investigate the different types and organisational patterns of common spoken texts and recognise features within them.
Activities: Talking and Listening: News, News Presentation, Oral Procedure, Literary Recount
Students read and view short literary and factual texts, using an increasing variety of skills and strategies including context, grammar, word usage and phonics to make connections between their own experiences and information in texts. Students read, interpret and discuss texts, including visual and multimedia texts, using a range of skills and strategies. They explore and identify ways texts differ according to purpose, audience and subject and understand that people produce texts. Students recognise the basic structure and grammatical features of a limited range of text types.
Activities: Dinosaur Retrieval Chart
Students write simple literary and factual texts on familiar topics for known readers by planning and reviewing their writing. They write using basic grammatical features and conventions of punctuation, showing awareness of different purposes, audiences and subject matter. Students spell using knowledge of sight words, letter-sound correspondence and other strategies. They write using letters of consistent size and slope in NSW Foundation Style and use computer technology to produce texts, recognising simple conventions, language and functions.
Activities: Talking and Listening: News, Literary Description, Excursion Recount, Procedure, Information Report, Factual Description, Literary Recount
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