Can-do Trigonometry - Ali : Grade Commentary
Ali has demonstrated basic knowledge and understanding of trigonometric ratios in relation to right angle triangles. The three trigonometric ratios have been explained but only angles have been calculated. An attempt at a practical problem has been made but it is missing relevant information and cannot be solved. Some accurate mathematical terminology and notation have been used, and the diagrams are clearly labelled. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at grade D standard midway through Stage 5.
Grade D
The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills.
Full list of grade descriptions
Areas for Assessment
- Working mathematically
Knowledge, skills and understanding developed through inquiry, application of problem-solving strategies, communication, reasoning and reflection - Measurement
Knowledge, skills and understanding in identifying and quantifying attributes of shapes and objects and applying measurement strategies