Best Airfare Deals - Jo : Grade Commentary
Jo has demonstrated a high level of competence in applying problem-solving strategies to a real-life situation. Appropriate mathematical arguments have been used to reach and justify conclusions but some explanations could be clearer. A thorough understanding of the concept of a 'best buy' has been demonstrated but the description of the relationship in question 2 is inaccurate. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at grade B standard midway through Stage 5.
Grade B
The student has a thorough knowledge and understanding of the content and a high level of competence in the processes and skills. In addition, the student is able to apply this knowledge and these skills to most situations.
Full list of grade descriptions
Areas for Assessment
- Working mathematically
Knowledge, skills and understanding developed through inquiry, application of problem-solving strategies, communication, reasoning and reflection - Number
Knowledge, skills and understanding in mental and written computation and numerical reasoning