Other Work Samples for:
Shane has demonstrated a sound understanding of the procedure text type and has attempted to write a simple procedure without using a scaffold. Verbs have been used for each command, and the steps have been sequenced. An attempt has been made to number the steps but the numbers do not correlate with the steps and one step has been omitted. No goal or list of materials has been included. An illustration has been drawn to represent the end product. The directionality is correct and the letters have been accurately produced. There is some inconsistency in the use of punctuation but a variety of strategies have been used to spell words correctly. To develop further, Shane should include a goal and a list of materials, and practise numbering steps and using capital letters appropriately. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at the expected standard at the end of Kindergarten.
Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
- Writing
Students write with an increasing awareness of the nature, purpose and conventions of written language. They produce simple texts that demonstrate an awareness of the basic grammar and punctuation needed. Students know and use letters and sounds of the alphabet to attempt to spell known words and use most lower and upper case letters appropriately to construct sentences. Students explore the use of computer technology to construct texts.