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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 11-12 (including HSC)
  2. Work samples Years 11–12 (including Higher School Certificate)
  3. English Studies
  4. Work Samples
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English Studies – Work Samples

Mark Range Performance Descriptions Work Samples


demonstrates detailed knowledge and understanding of how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in various forms of appropriate short and extended texts

demonstrates well-developed skills in constructing a range of short and extended written, spoken and multi-modal texts at an appropriate level for present and future contexts

displays a well-developed ability in selecting appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone to write and speak for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts

demonstrates well-developed skills in planning, researching, organising and communicating information for a variety of tasks, working both individually and collectively, and in reflecting on learning



demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in various forms of appropriate short and extended texts

demonstrates sound skills in constructing a range of short and extended written, spoken and multi-modal texts at an appropriate level for present and future contexts

displays sound ability in selecting appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone to write and speak for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts

demonstrates competent skills in planning, researching, organising and communicating information for a variety of tasks, working both individually and collectively, and in reflecting on learning



demonstrates developing knowledge and understanding of how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in various forms of appropriate short and extended texts

demonstrates developing skills in constructing a range of short and extended written, spoken and multi-modal texts at an appropriate level for present and future contexts

displays developing ability in selecting appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone to write and speak for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts

demonstrates developing skills in planning, researching, organising and communicating information for a variety of tasks, working both individually and collectively, and in reflecting on learning



demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in some forms of short and extended texts appropriate to the course

demonstrates basic skills in constructing appropriate short and extended written, spoken and multi-modal texts at an appropriate level for present and future contexts

displays basic ability in selecting appropriate text forms, vocabulary, style and tone to write and speak for a range of purposes, audiences and contexts

demonstrates basic skills in planning, organising and communicating information, working both individually and collectively, and in reflecting on learning



demonstrates elementary knowledge and understanding of how language and other techniques are used to convey meaning in appropriate texts

demonstrates elementary knowledge and skills in constructing written, spoken and multi-modal texts at an appropriate level for limited contexts

displays elementary skills in comprehending written, spoken and multi-modal texts and in writing, speaking and representing for limited contexts

demonstrates elementary skills in organising and communicating information, working both individually and collectively, and in reflecting on learning

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