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This webpage has been archived to prepare for transfer to the new NESA website. Reference to syllabus outcomes and content on this webpage may not be current. Teachers are encouraged to visit the Key Learning Area page for recent student work samples on the NESA website.

Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 7-8
  2. Technology (Mandatory)
  3. Work Samples
  4. Grade C
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Work Samples - Grade C

The work samples for this grade, together, assist teachers to gain a common understanding of the standard of work typically produced by students whose performance, on balance, matches the description for Grade C.

Activity: Enviro-traveller – Research (View Activity…)

Students compare the past environment of their local area with the present environment.

Activity: Enviro-traveller – Development of Storyboard (View Activity…)

Students generate and evaluate three storyboards for an animation sequence and select one for further development.

Activity: Enviro-traveller – Development of Animation (View Activity…)

Students design, produce and evaluate an animation comparing past stewardship of the Aboriginal custodians with the present care of the local environment.

Activity: Carried Away (View Activity…)

Students are required to design, produce and evaluate a quality solution for a carrying device using textile technology.

Activity: Investigating and researching materials (View Activity…)

Students use a report format to record research on a tree grown in NSW and investigate the characteristics and properties of the timber, logging and its environmental impact, and the processing of timber products.

Activity: Generating design ideas (View Activity…)

Students sketch, label and describe the factors considered when designing a creative toy for a young child.

Activity: Action and component plan (View Activity…)

Students use the results of experimentation and testing to develop and produce a step-by-step action and component plan to assemble a robot.

Grade C

The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.
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