Speaking skills - Compere of a show
Grade | Work Samples |
End of Stage 5 (end of Year 10) | |
Grade A | Mel Jude |
Grade B | Rania Sam |
- New Work Samples
- Alex
Description of activity
Using the information sheet students prepare and deliver a script to be used by the compere of a Japanese fashion show.
Students have been learning to describe someone’s appearance – they have studied vocabulary for body parts, colours and useful adjectives. They have also been learning to talk about what people wear – specific articles of clothing, accessories, Japanese cultural clothing items, related verbs and seasonal clothing. Students have discussed traditional and popular fashion in Japan and made comparisons with fashion trends in Australia.
Areas for Assessment
5.UL.3 uses Japanese by incorporating diverse structures and features to express own ideas
5.UL.4 experiments with linguistic patterns and structures in Japanese to convey information and to express own ideas
5.MBC.2 identifies and explains aspects of the culture of Japanese-speaking communities in texts
Criteria for assessing learning
(These criteria would normally be communicated to students with the activity.)
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- express their own ideas in a sequenced and logical manner
- create clear and original texts
- select and use appropriate vocabulary and structures for the target audience
- maintain fluency with correct pronunciations
- convey meaning through accurate expression and intonation
- use technology as a tool to support the information being presented.