Other Work Samples for:
Courtney has demonstrated basic knowledge and understanding of physical activity levels but has not compared these to the current recommendations for children. Courtney’s activity levels have been recorded but some of the activities included are not physical. The evaluation is limited and mainly concerns diet. Courtney has listed things for the other student to do in order to improve the level of physical activity but the health benefits for this student have not been mentioned. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at grade D standard at the end of Stage 3.
Grade D
The student has a basic knowledge and understanding of the content and has achieved a limited level of competence in the processes and skills.Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
- Fundamental Movement and Physical Activity
Students apply, adapt and vary movement skills in dance, gymnastics, games and sports. They understand the elements of movement and compose and perform movement sequences with control and coordination in various contexts. Students demonstrate teamwork, tactics and strategies when participating in team games. They demonstrate proficiency in the fundamental movement skills of leap, kick, two-handed strike and dodge and apply them in a range of challenging physical activity contexts. Students participate in a range of moderate to vigorous physical activities and apply movement skills with increased confidence and precision. They investigate the effects of physical activity on health and monitor and evaluate physical activity levels. - Healthy Choices
Students examine key factors that contribute to a balanced lifestyle and keeping safe and healthy. They examine nutritional information, disease prevention and the effects of drugs on the body and they identify behaviours that impact on wellbeing. Students assess the safety of situations in home, school, water and road environments and identify appropriate responses. They describe and practise a range of personal safety strategies that could be used in threatening or abusive situations. They take responsibility for personal decisions, recognising the effects that decisions have on self and others.