Work Samples - Grade A
The work samples for this grade, together, assist teachers to gain a common understanding of the standard of work typically produced by students whose performance, on balance, matches the description for Grade A.
Activity: Visual Arts: Insect drawings (View Activity…)
Students create an artwork depicting an insect or insect-like creature.
Activity: Visual Arts: Insects - 3D Sculptures (View Activity…)
Students create a 3-dimensional sculpture of an insect.
Work Samples: Kim
Activity: Visual Arts: Drawing Bicycles (View Activity…)
Students experiment with a range of drawing materials and techniques to represent the subject matter of bicycles.
Activity: Visual Arts: Bicycles - 3D Sculptures (View Activity…)
Students make a 3-dimensional wire sculpture of a bicycle.
Activity: Drama: Movement-based characterisation (View Activity…)
Students create characters based on different ways of walking. They collaborate to perform a mime and are 'hot seated' in character.
Work Samples: Indra