Other Work Samples for:
Kendall has demonstrated the ability to count forwards and backwards to and from 10 but has incorrectly placed the numbers 3, 4 and 5 on the number line. Numbers before and after a given number have been correctly identified. Reasoning has been applied with the number 10 used as a starting point for the placement of numbers 8 and 9. The ability to record numerals independently has been demonstrated, but the numbers 3 and 7 have been reversed. To progress further, Kendall needs to develop an understanding that 5 is half way to 10, and practise positioning and writing numbers. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at the expected standard midway through Kindergarten.
Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
- Working Mathematically
Students ask questions and explore mathematical problems. They use everyday language, materials and informal recordings to demonstrate understanding and link mathematical ideas. - Number
Students count to 30 and represent numbers to 20 with objects, pictures, numerals and words and read and use ordinal numbers to at least ‘tenth’ place. They manipulate objects to model addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. Students divide objects into two equal parts and describe them as halves. They recognise coins and notes.