Comparing Length - Jody : Commentary
Jody has demonstrated an adequate level of competence in comparing the length of different objects. The objects have been presented in sequential order and the ends have been correctly aligned using a baseline. Pictorial representations have been used to informally record the comparisons, and appropriate mathematical and everyday language has been used to label and compare the objects. Although only three objects have been compared, a sound understanding of the concept of length has been demonstrated. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at the expected standard at the end of Kindergarten.
Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
- Working Mathematically
Students ask questions and explore mathematical problems. They use everyday language, materials and informal recordings
to demonstrate understanding and link mathematical ideas. - Measurement and Data
Students identify length, area, volume, capacity and mass and compare and arrange objects according to these attributes.
They name the days of the week and the seasons and they order events in a school day, telling the time on the hour.
Students use objects and pictures to create a data display and interpret data.