Early Stage 1 - Information about Activities
In this website, a range of Kindergarten activities or tasks are presented, and work samples show a range of performance on each activity or task.
The majority of Kindergarten activities or tasks are presented as follows:
Foundation Statement strands
The strands addressed in the activity or task are provided. Reference is made to the revised strands outlined in the NSW Primary Curriculum Foundation Statements.
Description of activity or task
This section sets out the requirements of the activity or task, providing details of what the students were asked to do. The description also indicates the extent to which the activity or task was structured. The description was presented to students in either written or verbal form, whichever was deemed more appropriate.
Suggested Materials
This sets out any materials required for the activity or task, including worksheets.
Prior Learning
This section outlines previous teaching and learning experiences and puts the activity or task into context in terms of the teaching and learning cycle.
A list of outcomes addressed by the activity or task is provided.
Criteria for assessing learning
The criteria used to assess student performance on the activity or task are provided. They relate directly to the outcomes addressed by the activity or task and to the relevant Foundation Statements. Developing criteria for assessing learning at the same time the activity or task is developed, allows the teacher to clearly determine how the activity or task will be assessed most appropriately. Sharing these criteria with the students allows them to be aware of what to aim for when completing the activity or task and to know exactly what they will be assessed on.