Investigating simple electric circuits
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Foundation Statement strands
The following strands are covered in this activity:
Description of activity
Students investigate, design and make simple electric circuits that will make a light bulb glow.
- Students select and use the materials provided by the teacher to design their circuits.
- They investigate ways that these materials can be connected to make a light bulb glow.
- Students make a drawing of their circuits and identify those in which the light bulb glowed.
Suggested materials
1.5-volt batteries, light bulbs, sticky tape and aluminium foil strips or wires.
Prior learning
This task is a small part of a Science and Technology unit of work on electrical energy that is integrated with learning in other KLAs. Students are engaging in a variety of first-hand experiences which will increase their understanding of electrical energy (electricity). At the end of the unit each student will design, make and present to the class a model that includes a working electric circuit. This activity focuses on developing students’ skills in investigating, designing, making and using technology in constructing simple electric circuits.
Physical Phenomena (PP S3.4)
Identifies and applies processes involved in manipulating, using and changing the form of energy.
Investigating (INV S3.7)
Conducts their own investigations and makes judgements based on the results of observing, questioning, planning, predicting, testing, collecting, recording and analysing data, and drawing conclusions.
Using Technology (UT S3.9)
Evaluates, selects and uses a range of equipment, computer-based technology, materials and other resources to meet the requirements and constraints of investigation and design tasks.
Criteria for assessing learning
Students will be assessed on their ability to:
- identify that electrical energy can be changed into light energy
- select and use appropriate materials and tools to construct a working electric circuit
- test the circuit designs to show that the light bulb glows
- use drawings to record their observations and circuit design.