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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 9-10
  2. Aboriginal Studies
  3. Activities
  4. Letter to the Editor on Local Aboriginal Employment
  5. Additional Information
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Additional Information

View the Recording Templates for this Activity (Microsoft Word, 63 KB)

Guidelines for marking

The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to a student’s work. Other approaches may be used that better suit the reporting process of the school. Categories, marks, grades, visual representations or individual comments/notations may all be useful.


A student in this range:


(Very High)

  • presents a sustained, logical and well-structured letter analysing the issue of local Aboriginal employment in both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal enterprises and organisations
  • uses a sophisticated application of ethical research skills
  • effectively uses a wide range of relevant sources, including the local community
  • includes an extensive range of appropriate terms and concepts.



  • presents a logical and well-structured letter analysing the issue of local Aboriginal employment in both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal enterprises and organisations
  • effectively applies ethical research skills
  • uses a wide range of relevant sources, including the local community
  • includes a wide range of appropriate terms and concepts.



  • presents a clear letter analysing the issue of local Aboriginal employment in both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal enterprises and organisations
  • competently applies ethical research skills
  • uses a range of relevant sources, including the local community
  • includes a range of appropriate terms and concepts.



  • presents a limited explanation of the issue of local Aboriginal employment
  • demonstrates limited application of ethical research skills
  • uses few relevant sources
  • includes one or two terms and concepts.


Teacher comments on student’s letter inform them on such things as:

  • analysis of relevant data
  • demonstrated appropriate use of community consultation protocols
  • synthesis of key issues.

Class discussion on issues relating to local issues and Aboriginal employment.

Peer feedback on individual research.

Future directions

Depending on where this option is programmed, this Activity can either re-emphasise or introduce the proper use of community protocols. It also allows students to discuss the importance of Aboriginal employment to Australian identity today.

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