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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 7-8
  2. Visual Arts
  3. Activities
  4. History Revisited - Artmaking
  5. Additional Information
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Additional Information

Guidelines for marking

The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to a student’s work. Other approaches may be used that better suit the reporting process of the school. Categories, marks, grades, visual representations or individual comments/notations may all be useful.

A student in this range:
  • demonstrates a good understanding of the postmodern frame in appropriating and recontextualising an image from art history to communicate wit, irony, parody, or humour
  • confidently manipulates and integrates scanned and sourced images using a range of procedures, applications and conventions in digital media and software programs
  • explores aspects of the conceptual framework to respond to the world and communicate a point of view and new meanings to an audience.
  • demonstrates an understanding of the postmodern frame in appropriating and recontextualising an image from art history to communicate wit, irony, parody, or humour
  • manipulates and integrates scanned and sourced images using some procedures, applications and conventions in digital media and software programs
  • explores some aspects of the conceptual framework to respond to the world and communicate a point of view and new meanings to an audience.
  • demonstrates some understanding of the postmodern frame in appropriating and recontextualising an image from art history to communicate wit, irony, parody, or humour
  • manipulates and integrates simple scanned and sourced images in a limited way using some procedures, applications and conventions in digital media and software programs
  • explores some aspects of the conceptual framework in limited ways to respond to the world and communicate a point of view and new meanings to an audience.


The teacher will provide ongoing oral feedback to students in the planning phase of the Activity and written feedback at the completion of the digital work. This oral and written feedback will provide students with ways to refine their works and will inform them about such things as:

  • their use of software programs, and technologies such as the scanner and digital camera to manipulate and integrate images
  • their organisation of visual qualities and images in an interesting composition referencing portraiture conventions and postmodern conventions of wit, irony, parody and appropriation to communicate a new meaning for an audience
  • their introduction of aspects of the school environment and the student’s own world into the work to communicate a point of view.

Peer assessment may take the form of students interpreting and finding new meanings in the digitally manipulated and appropriated artworks.

Future directions

As a result of this Activity students have developed an understanding of the postmodern frame and the application of information and computer technologies (ICT) in making artworks. This learning can be further developed through individual and group work activities where students make a video, multi-media presentation, or animation based on the altered artwork. Students may also use the digital artwork as the basis for a sculpture or installation work or for application to a series of designed objects. Students can investigate the original artist and artwork, compare their intentions and record these findings in their Visual Arts diary.

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