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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

  1. Years 7-8
  2. Science
  3. Activities
  4. Tabulating Solar System Data
  5. Additional Information
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Additional Information

Guidelines for marking

The following guidelines for marking show one approach to assigning a value to a student’s work. Other approaches may be used that better suit the reporting process of the school. Categories, marks, grades, visual representations or individual comments / notations may all be useful.

A student in this range:
  • presents in a table with aligned columns and rows the extracted data appropriately sequenced
  • correctly labels rows and columns with headings appropriate to the data and includes the correct units within the column heading
  • accurately transcribes all numerical data from the text to the correct cell reference within the table.
  • presents in a table information relating to the orbital speed and distance from the Sun of the seven innermost planets
  • labels rows and columns with headings that relate to the text information and includes the units for the data within the table cells
  • accurately transcribes some numerical data from the text to the correct cell reference within the table.
  • presents in a table some information and/or numerical data from the text
  • labels table row and/or column headings using information from the text or unit values
  • transcribes some information and/or numerical data from the text to an appropriate location within the table.


Students are provided with oral peer and teacher comments during the Activity that focuses on table construction, the relationships between the data gathered and the identification of apparent trends and patterns.

At the completion of the Activity the teacher provides individual written feedback.

Future directions

Following this Activity the teacher will guide students in constructing a line graph of the numerical data of distance from the Sun against average orbital speed. With teacher guidance, students will analyse the graph and make a generalisation in relation to the set of observations, for example, as the average distance of planets from the Sun increases their average orbital speed tends to decrease.

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