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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

Work Sample : Riley

Activity : Information Report

    Information Report - Riley : Grade Commentary

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Riley has demonstrated sound understanding of the content and structure of an information report. Although the text is brief and lacks technical language, there is evidence of effective planning and grouping of information. Riley has used the simple present tense and third person with consistency, and shown adequate use of grammatical features and punctuation. Riley’s handwriting in the plan is consistent in size and slope, and effective spelling strategies have been used. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at grade C standard at the end of Stage 1.

Grade C

The student has a sound knowledge and understanding of the main areas of content and has achieved an adequate level of competence in the processes and skills.

Full list of grade descriptions

Foundation Statement strands

The following strands are covered in this activity:

  • Writing
    Students write simple literary and factual texts on familiar topics for known readers by planning and reviewing their writing. They write using basic grammatical features and conventions of punctuation, showing awareness of different purposes, audiences and subject matter. Students spell using knowledge of sight words, letter-sound correspondence and other strategies. They write using letters of consistent size and slope in NSW Foundation Style and use computer technology to produce texts, recognising simple conventions, language and functions.
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