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Assessment Resource Centre (ARC)

Work Sample : Shannon

Activity : Halves

    Halves - Shannon : Commentary

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Shannon has demonstrated a sound understanding of the concept of equal halves. Although the initial cut was incorrect, Shannon was able to self-correct and confirm the two halves were equal by a process of trial and error. Mathematical reasoning has been demonstrated in the responses to the teacher’s questions. To progress further, Shannon could demonstrate the concept of equal halves using more challenging shapes. This work sample demonstrates characteristics of work typically produced by a student performing at the expected standard at the end of Kindergarten.

Foundation Statement strands

The following strands are covered in this activity:

  • Working Mathematically
    Students ask questions and explore mathematical problems. They use everyday language, materials and informal recordings to demonstrate understanding and link mathematical ideas.
  • Space and Geometry
    Students manipulate, sort and describe 3D objects using everyday language. They manipulate, sort and describe 2D shapes, identifying circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. Students give and follow simple directions and describe position using everyday language.
  • Number
    Students count to 30 and represent numbers to 20 with objects, pictures, numerals and words and read and use ordinal numbers to at least ‘tenth’ place. They manipulate objects to model addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. Students divide objects into two equal parts and describe them as halves. They recognise coins and notes.
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